Tuesday 18 October 2022

Pencil boxes and childhood memories


Why does the pencil box evoke such intense nostalgia and memories of school? 

This pencil box was common during my school days and, back home in Pakistan, these are still so common! Here, apparently, not everyone has it.

So, Kavita told me that one of the boys in her class asks over and over again if he can see her pencil box. It made my heart tug because children are so innocent and, they have such fascination with simple objects around which their lives revolve.

I can still remember the innocence of childhood when I did not have many concerns and worries other than being nervous at school or not knowing how to make friends. And, as we progressed into higher grades, the huge burden of studying , exams and carrying all those books was one's complex world. I used to feel anxious and, internalise my parent's conflicts, their own homesickness for their families but still the world was small and, who knew all we had to face later on in life?

I love asking Kavita about her school days. There's so much interesting information.

"How was school today? What was your favourite part of the day?"

Kavita: "Recess. I got to play with my friends."

"What did you study? What happened in class today?"

Kavita: "The children are more behaved with the new teacher."

"Why , what are the children doing?"

Kavita: "They are so loud. Some of the misbehaving ones go around the class room singing loudly. One boy keeps going to other's desks and puts his elbows on their desk."

"Fourth graders are so noisy ? What do you do the whole time? Are girls also 'misbehaving'?"

Kavita: "Yes, they are. I am quiet. One girl asks everyone if they want a knuckle sandwich."


The highlight of my day is waiting for Kavita to come home and then I ask her, ' what did they give you for breakfast and lunch?'

So, Kavita's new school , HILA, serves breakfast and lunch! Kavita gets to eat an amazing variety of food: sausages, donuts, fried chicken, French fries, pizza, cassava leaf, joloff rice.

So far, so good.

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