After brunch at the Royal Hotel in Sinkor (a regular feature of Sundays since I've lived in Monrovia), I asked Haresh to drive us up to the Ducor Hotel hill to see the misty views on this rainy, cool Sunday.
It's rewarding to become a tourist in the city one lives in. I encourage friends (especially expats who pass through the city for their job postings) to connect with Monrovia by walking through its streets, closely inspecting it's old buildings, and get a sense of the rhythm and flow, evident by the zig zagging keke's, sellers, pedestrians and traffic.
Monrovia doesn't enjoy a reputation for being a particularly beautiful or exciting city because of too few restaurants, cafés, cinema houses, museums, public spaces, etc. But Monrovia has a very rich and fascinating history and, I find the city to be extremely beautiful. It just takes a walk around town to help one appreciate its layers.
Monrovia is photogenic and striking. One can find old, crumbling colonial buildings next to brand new constructions. One can find peeling paint all over town, creating interesting texture. One can find half constructed buildings, started in President Doe's time. Streets in central Monrovia are well laid out, like a grid. Its streets are actually named after some of the first settlers who arrived from United States. And, because they are so narrow, the result is a dense sense of colourful, similar and different buildings from various eras.
And, don't forget to greet everyone when you take a walk.
You have provided very wonderful information and this is very important. Thank you so much for this information.