Wednesday, 18 November 2020

What an evening walk, what a paratha

 All our evening walks end up with nutella naan, ice-cream, hot chocolates and now parathas. 

The days are so short now and, they are cold. Winter is really here and, we have to bundle up before we leave the house. Trees are changing colours and getting bare. 

When you hear, "I can't believe it's ____ [insert month] already" it usually sounds like mundane chatter. It's along the lines of "I have gained so much weight" , types of drivel that are fishing for equally dull small talk. 

I have given it some thought lately and, I think what people really mean is that they can't believe the year is slipping by so fast and, we have accomplished nothing or 'I can't process this time at all'. 

"Time flies." This is another little comment people throw at you. I also don't know what to make of it. Time seems to pass at a constant but we relate to its passing so subjectively, overwhelmed by how, despite our frustration, it passes so fast and sometimes, so slowly. Time really is relative. And, this year, I really have struggled to make sense of the passing of time. 

So, yes, I can't believe November is here and, summer is behind me and, we are moving towards the end of this year. It is going to take years to make sense of 2020, the crises of a pandemic, the ineptitude of governments, the misery lockdowns have created, the sense of dread, the frustrations with how so many didn't get the message about wearing face masks in public, and, how some of us wallowed in loneliness and, inertia in our homes. 

Speaking of hurtling towards the end of 2020, Kavita scooted around in dizzyingly fast circles (hence the fuzzy orange pictures) and, then we strolled towards the F-11 bazaar. On the way, we saw a signboard for 'Oxbridge' the best Islamic school in Islamabad. I don't doubt it is, but at least get an Islamic name. 

We ended up at What a Paratha (not before I wanted to get pizza at Downtown Pizza next door but realised all the pizza flavours were going to be full of mirchain which I'm staunchly against, mirchain ruining taste of pizza). It was a really nice bite we had. Many of the customers there were wearing masks. 

We roamed a bit around the bazaar. Lo and behold, I saw a sign for Framing, all kinds of framing, including Islamic frames. So, we have Islamic schools, Islamic mattresses and Islamic frames. 

Whaddya know? 

Good evening! 

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