Friday, 5 October 2018

Friday evening walk

We met the Bush Devil today during our evening walk. What a nice start to today's post. 

Almost at the beginning of our walk, drummers and the Bush Devil were performing at the corner of Newport Street and UN Drive. Kavita asked for money to give to the Bush Devil. Haresh asked the Devil to pick her up for a photograph. She was not nervous at all. 

We stopped at Mamba Point beach to enjoy the sunset for a few moments. Now that the dry season is coming in, the sunsets are getting more and more beautiful. 

As we walked up from the beach towards the Masonic Temple, the sunset's colours could be seen in the distance. Somehow, today, quite randomly the crazy sunset from "Vanilla Sky" came to my mind. 

Bijli got so excited she leaped to lick Kavita's face but knocked Kavita over, who then started to cry. I picked her up. 

The rest of the walk was good. The workout on the hill was good. We ran up and down the hill a few times and, then did crunches and squats. 

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