Friday, 27 October 2017

Evening walk

Today is Haresh's birthday. He didn't want to have much of a celebration today so I proceeded with my evening walk. 

Today's walk was not one of my usual routes. 

I went through Newport Street and, have realised that it has so much character. It is characteristically Muslim, not only because of the  mosque, but because of the Muslim communities who live around the mosque. I really enjoyed walking through the street, today. 

As always I love taking pictures of the signs/artwork on the shop fronts. 

These days, one can hear so much chatter, animated discussions about politics and the elections.

I ended up on Broad Street and saw a man running past me. Two more men ran behind him, yelling 'rogue.' One of them had a rock in his hand and, he said, let's go behind him. In the end, they didn't keep running behind him. 

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