Friday, 28 June 2019

Glorious golden amaltas

What makes the amaltas so utterly beautiful? Why can't I look away? Why am I so incredulous ? Islamabad is blooming with these shockingly-beautiful blossoms. Driving around the city I see gorgeous blossoms hang like the jewels which hang from a woman's ears, those incredibly intricate and delicate gold-leaf ornaments of Greek goddesses or Mughal queens. They hang in bunches, in cascading style. 

They are everywhere, gracefully lining our roads and parks. But do not get used to the beauty. Do not take them for granted. Be enthralled and wonder at the beauty. Look at them, gaze at them. Let your eyes enjoy the sight and, be overtaken by the sheer loveliness. 

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Good morning

I think the fragrance of tuberose is utterly intoxicating. It's sweet honey. 

Monday, 3 June 2019

Kavita's lessons

Kavita is writing letters and short essays by herself. There's a lot of spelling mistakes but you can actually still read her sentences! 

We also learned about fractions.