I realised recently that my favourite place in Monrovia is my own balcony! Sure, it's not the sexy sushi bar at the Royal Hotel or the elegant Mamba Point Hotel but it has a certain coziness to it that I find very comforting. Sure, my laundry hanging out to dry sticks out like a sore thumb, we have to house the back-up generator there too, and the cushions on the chairs are really quite faded away, but I guess that is what makes the balcony so endearing, so much like a old teddy bear, a trusty steed or a favourite chipped mug.
The balcony is painted bright yellow and the sitting area is decorated with art and West African masks. The chairs are rattan chairs with not-so-plush cushions covered with brightly-coloured lapa cloth and pillows and badly need new, thick cushions and new upholstery. There's loads of plants including a magnificent thriving money plant growing all over the window pane.
The balcony is 'caged' because of the steel bars that were welded to prevent petty thieves climbing in and breaking into the apartment. Despite these bars, one can still get a nice view of the town including the Duccor Hotel and the new American Embassy monstrosity that is under construction.
I have been especially enjoying sitting in the balcony sipping coffee during this rainy season when the whole view is misty and romantic.
We also often entertain guests in that very balcony. What we do is use old wine/liqueur bottles as candle holders. They have been used so many times that they look antique and even a little arty farty with multi-coloured wax all over them. So we turn off the lights and sit and make small talk in candle light. The flickering candle light goes well with the yellow walls and creates quite a fantastic and unique atmosphere.
So all of you are welcome for an atmospheric evening on our balcony!
Meanwhile, I have actually abandoned tea as my morning and afternoon drink and would have never imagined in a thousand years but have become a coffee drinker! I drink it without sugar and only a little bit of milk. I have become addicted to the taste. Who would have thought I would give up my sugary/milky tea for bland coffee? I guess I am really growing up.
Meanwhile, we have finally identified and worked out an agreement on a property where we can expand the business to. It is a 2,000 square feet space that resembles a giant loft. We are super excited about it. It is going to be a unique space, sort of like an IT factory.
Since we got it, the only thing we talk about is how to decorate it. Watching The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy gave us a lot of inspiration, we starting fantasising about spaceship themes and a shark aquarium theme even. Just kidding, that would not complement an IT business at all. Especially the shark aquarium - that would be more up the alley of an evil mastermind or something. The spaceship would be kind of spacey, cool, techy though. We should definitely keep it as an option.
Hey, what about a Settlers of Catan theme? Would that work?
Since we got it, the only thing we talk about is how to decorate it. Watching The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy gave us a lot of inspiration, we starting fantasising about spaceship themes and a shark aquarium theme even. Just kidding, that would not complement an IT business at all. Especially the shark aquarium - that would be more up the alley of an evil mastermind or something. The spaceship would be kind of spacey, cool, techy though. We should definitely keep it as an option.
Hey, what about a Settlers of Catan theme? Would that work?
So w-a-t-c-h this space!